GEO Mapping
Geo-Mapping Pro effortlessly provides the whereabouts of your website visitors on a world map layout. With Geo-Mapping feature a mere visual inspection of your traffic on the world map can reveal a lot of information about the location details thus saving you from the pains of going through loads of traffic data.
You clearly get to know the physical locations of your visitors who are engaged in real-time chatting or just surfing with complete details like country, regions, city, postal code, IP addresses while highlighting the areas on a global map layout.
Geo-mapping helps in better resource utilization process by revealing the geographic area with major loads of traffic. Get proper information about the strength of visitors to align resources according to the traffic density. You may also look forward to provide services in the native language for a better grip.
Geo-mapping offers multiple benefits to your business such as segmenting your market on the basis of location specific details, measuring the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and more. Create special marketing plans depending upon native services and also market your products aggressively from your website's footprints are high.
You don't just get to know who's where but also who doing what and from where. Yes, specialized markers have been devised to exactly tell you the status of a visitor on your website. Identify the visitors with different colored markers as per their status such as chatting, chat ended, chat rejected, chat accepted, onsite, etc.