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Home Blog Lepide introduces premium Live Chat software – eAssistance Pro

Lepide introduces premium Live Chat software – eAssistance Pro

Posted on January 23, 2013

Under - News

Lepide Software – provider of premium IT management and auditing software – has launched a new software application, eAssistance Pro. eAssistance Pro is an online Live Help chat application which can be used by website visitors and service operators to engage in meaningful chat sessions. It provides exceptional chat services and complete visitor monitoring solutions.


eAssistance Pro services can benefit any business provider, who has online presence through websites. Live chat is one of the simplest ways to provide exceptional customer service. It is quick, simple and efficient. Where customers need to wait for hours or days to get email response, hold for minutes to get connected via telephone, there eAssistance Pro provides instant solution and both parties get engaged in seconds. In fact, live chat along with screen sharing is the most efficient long distance troubleshooting help possible. eAssistance Pro allows you to benefit all these and much more at absolutely ground-breaking prices.


Key Features of eAssistance Pro:

  • Get connected with website visitors in real-time for better business communication
  • Provide instant support and counseling tips to potential clients
  • Invite visitors to chat, push webpages, check visitor activity for better assistance
  • Quick to set up and totally customizable GUI with custom settings
  • Standalone operator console available for comprehensive chat support and visitor tracking details
  • Web-based operator console for providing browser based assistance from anywhere
  • 256-bit encrypted SSL secure socket layer
  • Numerous plans to choose from with complete flexibility to switch plans at any moment without any loss or service interruption
  • Extensive report generation feature providing detailed outlook about company performance
  • cOne step integration through plugins with almost all major CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal based websites and also other eCommerce sites like Big Commerce, Shopify, etc
  • Mobile chat support from devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry


Benefits of eAssistance Pro

  • Provide instant support and troubleshooting help to customers
  • Track potential clients through visitor monitoring tools and help convert them into customers
  • Help visitors choose what they are looking for by guiding them through your online store
  • Provide proactive and secure support to build trust and ascertain returning clients
  • Analyze browsing trend and invite potential clients to chat
  • Get visitor geo-location details and provide native support for better benefits
  • Save manpower costs as one operator can provide support to multiple customers simultaneously
  • Flexi plans with options to change plans anytime if your priorities change


Experience amazing chat features with eAssistance Pro without spending a dime. Try eAssistance Pro for free. Create an account, insert chat code in your website, download operator console and start providing chat support to your customers. It is fully customizable and featured. After a month, if you wish to continue; plans start as low as $7 per month for a single operator, with totally flexible and better plans offering huge discounts.

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