The revolution of e-commerce industry has paved the way for secure payment mechanism over the Internet medium. Because of increased online transactions over the purchased services or product, companies have been geared up with a real-time customer support chat portals. This new chat concept has sidelined the earlier methods of support methods like telephonic and email conversations.
In context of e-Commerce industries, with the utilization of Internet only, we can assess the product we want before purchasing the same. Getting focused on our core issue, while using the e-commerce website, you must have experienced the chat services provided by company to rectify issues raised by you. Despite this, live chat windows are deliberately thrown on Web pages to get engaged with the customer for fetching the chief motive behind the selection of his or her choices.
No doubt, these chat applications has majorly impacted the sales and businesses of their respective domains. However, one should take care in upgrading the chat widgets for users who are visiting Web sites, in order to promote the company and its products. To consider this situation, you must take care of following mentioned points before embedding the live chat button on your Websites.
Timely Display of Chat Widget on Web Pages -
Consider the scenario of e-commerce Website, when a client is searching out the product to purchase and reaches out on any random Website. Now the client wants to know every single piece of information about the selected product in a limited time-frame. This can only be happened by provisioning the chat application on Web pages as soon as the client checks out for something. The flow of chat application on Web page should attract a client in such a way that it can convert the user’s selection into a concrete purchase.
Chat Initialization Should be Uncomplicated -
Many times the situation arise, when a client wants to initiate the chat process, but because of the complexities of login formalities, the client exits the chat window and move on to some other Website. This situation can be saved by developing the chat widget in such a manner, which demands very minimal information from the client for initializing the chat process. By adopting this approach, the company can retain the marginal number of clients that have keen interest in acquiring the visited company’s products or services.
Product Specific Chat Conversations -
Providing the product specific chat support to the clients does really appreciate the brand value of a company. The chat support executives who are technically assisting the customers from the back-end, have to carry out the straightforward chat communication strings to resolve the customer’s queries in limited amount of time. These chat executives should be properly trained in order to grasp the diverse nature of customer queries in minimal time-frame. Furthermore, the technical support executives should gather the information about frequently asked questions to know better about common problems.
Security is the Ultimate Concern -
Chat widgets should be developed with intelligent security mechanism to safe-guard the client’s conversations from malicious or unwanted elements. These chat applications should comply with security guidelines and should have been hosted on SSL encryption technology. When the customer feels secure to chat on Internet medium, then the chief goal of installing the chat widget gets accomplished. Because of the enhanced security, more and more customers share their feedback more openly on chat applications, which ultimately helps a company to improve its products and services.
You can enhance your Website with live chat application having versatile and outstanding features. To implement a secure and reliable chat solution on your Webpages, you must try the eAssistance Pro software.
Ultimate Solution: eAssistance Pro Software -
eAssistance Pro is a live chat assistance tool that simplifies the operations of back-end support process. This live tool is equipped with advanced features and comply with 256 bit SSL encryption technology. The software can be customized for enhancing the display of chat widget on Web-pages. Apart from this, the software has many versatile features like visitor monitoring, traffic stats, and GEO mapping, etc.