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Home Software Help Center Manage Transcripts

Manage Transcripts

Step1: Go to My Dashboard and Click on Transcripts.

Step2: To receive each transcript on your email address, click on "Manage" and Choose "yes" option before "Receive transcript". Define the email on which you want to receive the transcripts.

Step3: In order to save each chat conversation in your Account click on "Yes" before Save transcripts.

Step4: Mention the number of days till which you want to save the transcripts before "number of days" option.

Step5: Define the email subject for receiving transcripts for yourself and for your visitor.

Step6: To View all the Saved transcripts. Click on "View All".

Step7: To remove a particular transcript, click on "Delete" action before that transcript. To remove transcripts of a specified department or a specified time period, click on "Remove".